The Basics of House Prep

By basics, I MEAN basics… like if you do nothing else, you should do these things!

  1. Make sure all light fixtures have bulbs AND are the same color light… especially if they are in the same line of sight!

  2. Change your air filter and clean the air filter grate.

  3. Caulking… any and all of it should be clean! Don’t say you have scrubbed it and can’t get the black out… if that’s the case, it needs to be redone! This includes showers, tubs, kitchen and bathrooms sinks and countertops! If you decide to DIY the replacement of the caulk - make sure it looks good! No sloppy jobs here!

  4. Wipe off all ceiling fans. First dust, then wipe with a wet cloth.

  5. Put all seasonal decorations away.

  6. Go through the house with a disinfectant wipe and clean ALL handles and light switches. You won’t believe how much those can be overlooked when doing basic cleaning. (This includes the garage, too!)

  7. Deck out your front porch! Put out a new front door mat, fresh paint, nice clean door handle, no cobwebs in the light fixtures, etc. The front porch and door is the first impression. The buyer will often stand there for a minute while the agent is getting the key… you better believe they are already deciding if this is the house for them!

  8. Make sure you have nice and clean blinds. If you don’t, simply remove them and make sure any holes are patched and painted. If you feel like you HAVE to have them, then opt for a curtain that you can be pull closed. Blinds are great if they are good shape… they are a major distraction if they are not!

  9. Organize your closets! Linens should be neatly folded. Toiletries and cleaning supplies should be minimized and in baskets. You want the buyer’s to see the space you DO have… not feel like you DON’T have enough space. Stuff on the floors of closets should be minimal, if not completely empty.

  10. Add fresh layer of mulch to all flower beds… I don’t care what time of year it is, THIS is IMPORTANT!

Bottom line if you do NOTHING else, CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN! A Magic Eraser and 3 pack of Clorox wipes from Costco (or whatever organically friendly version you want to use… I’m not that girl) should be your best friend! Once those are gone… you know your house is ready to list!😉