Understanding the PICRA!

Understanding the PICRA!

I know what you are thinking… “The PIC WHAT?”???

Pronouced “pick.ra”, this form is the Property Inspection Contingency Removal Addendum. What that means in a nutshell is this form is what removes the home inspection contingency…. ie. one step closer to closing! So you can see just how important this form is!

Leaving Your Home for someone else to make it their own.

Leaving Your Home for someone else to make it their own.

Whether you are “teary eyed just thinking about it” or “can’t get out of there fast enough”, there is a proper way to leave your home for the next occupant. You’ve made it this far in the transaction (sometimes with some road bumps and sometimes with smooth waters) don’t let things get sour at the last minute. This is the last impression you will leave on the transaction and I promise you, it’s worth a little extra effort to make it a good one! Here are a few things that you should absolutely do before you lock up for the last time.